Monday, April 8, 2024

Workshop Titles and General Itinerary

Here's your first look at the workshop offerings from all four instructors!  Workshops will be scheduled mainly at sea, with jams and flash mobs taking place in the evening after dinner.  Watch for additional workshops, with a full schedule, as we get closer to sail.

Cruise Itinerary and Schedule

Saturday - Depart Port Canaveral 4 pm 

Sunday - At Sea

Monday - Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic 9 am - 4 pm 

Tuesday - St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands 11 am - 7 pm 

Wednesday - Tortola, British Virgin Islands 6 am - 1 pm 

Thursday - At Sea

Friday - Great Stirrup Cay, Bahamas 9 am - 6 pm 

Saturday - Arrive Port Canaveral 7 am

Sharrie George (ukulele)

Listen to the Rhythm - Strums Make All the Difference! (All Levels)

Melody in Song - Tunes with Melodic Licks & Improv (Intermediate)

Picking the Rhythm and Creating Arrangements for Ukulele (Intermediate)

Grow Your Uke Repertoire - Chords & Strums You May Not Know! (All Levels)

Guy George (pennywhistle, steel drum)

Steel Drum - Learn a Calypso Tune, “Hot, Hot, Hot” with all the Bells & Whistles

Steel Drum - Learn “Underneath the Mango Tree” - Focus on Chords & Melody

PennyWhistle - Calypso Tunes and Back-Up - “Hot, Hot, Hot” and “Underneath the Mango Tree” & others

PennyWhistle - Jamming and Improvising using Chord Changes

Richard Ash (mountain dulcimer)

Intro to Mountain Dulcimer (Beginner)

Crooked Songs (Intermediate)

Fun With Time Signatures (Intermediate)

Shove That Pig’s Foot Into A Raging Blast Furnace, Not Just A Little Further Into The Fire (Advanced)

Bing Futch (mountain dulcimer, ukulele)

Buffett At Sea - “Margaritaville” for Solo and Ensemble - Mountain Dulcimer (All Levels)

2 Fun Island Jam Tunes - “Hawaiian War Chant” and “Kiss The Girl” (from “The Little Mermaid”) - Mountain Dulcimer (All Levels)

Make A Solid Groove For Any Tune With This One Trick - Mountain Dulcimer (All Levels)

Pick, Roll, Strum: 3 Tips For Chording Fun - Mountain Dulcimer/Ukulele (All Levels)

The Castaway Music Cruise IN ACTION!